These are usually caused by tight or ill-fitting shoes resulting in distortion of the nail bed ; It can also be caused by sudden trauma, e.g. dropping a heavy object onto the toe or in the case of sports, e.g. football, thereby damaging the cells ; this type of injury can become painful, especially when enclosed in shoes or even in bed, when the bed sheets press upon them. Seek advice and treatment from your Chiropodist.
This is one of the most common conditions treated by a Chiropodist and is caused by a number of factors, e.g. tight shoes, improper cutting of toenails and it can also be hereditary ; this is presented with sides or corners of the nails curling down and digging into the skin ; this can cause swelling, pain along the nail margin, irritation and infection. This should be treated as soon as you suspect it.
These are thick and hardened skin on any pressure point of the foot. They can occur on any part of the foot, especially hammer toes, small toes, balls of the feet and heels. These are caused by pressure, especially from wearing ill-fitting shoes.
Soft corns are commonly found between the toes and hard corns can be found on any other part of the plantar foot. Avoid using corn plasters because these could affect your skin, especially if diabetic or you suffer from circulatory problems. Visit your Chiropodist for treatment and advice.
These can be either skin or nail fungal infections ; the commonest skin fungal infection is Athlete’s Foot which occurs in warm, dark and moist areas of the body, in particularly, the foot. This condition can be itchy with mini blisters, soreness and sometimes, can become smelly. Good foot hygiene is strongly advised and shoe cleansing highly recommended. Ask your Chiropodist for further information.
Fungal nail infections can be due to neglect and spread of Athlete’s Foot to the toes or other causes.
The fungus affects the nail bed and this can cause thickening and discoloration (yellowing) of the deformed nail which can also become brittle and split.
This is another common foot disorder usually referred to as fissures; these are caused by extra dry skin especially on the heel area which can become very painful when walking. These fissures, if not treated promptly, can become very deep and bleed which leads to discomfort on weight bearing. Consult your Chiropodist for treatment and advice on the use of appropriate foot creams.
This is caused by the breakdown of sweat and skin due to the action of micro-organisms (bacterial infection) which results in a strong odour and skin can macerate.
Regular washing of feet and an application of foot powder is recommended. Surgical spirit can also be used, especially, between the toes.
These viral infections attack mostly the hands and feet and in the case of the feet (verrucaes), can often be caught at swimming pools, sports centres and gymnasiums. They can be single or multiple lesions, more commonly caught by the young and the onset can be rapid. Verrucaes have a similar appearance to a corn, but, have small black dots (blood vessels) on them and are surrounded by hard pale skin ; they can become very painful and your Chiropodist should be consulted as soon as possible.